News & Updates
Health Care
Fed appeals court sets health overhaul hearing
Four States Get Waivers to Carry Out Health Law
Office of Insurance Regulation, Insurance Regulation News, Health Care
Medicaid’s court ruling leaves health care providers hanging
Florida rejects another $1 million federal health insurance reform grant
Officials work against Florida consumers on insurance
Ruling against health reforms leaves state, consumers, industry confused over requirements, benefits
Rick Scott, Insurance Regulation News, Kevin McCarty, Office of Insurance Regulation, Health Care
Judge rules health-care law unconstitutional
Renewed Emphasis on Amendment Opposing Federal Health Care Law

The Florida Senate is again taking steps toward a state constitutional amendment in opposition to the federal Affordable Care Act. The legislature pursued an amendment last year (Amendment 9), but state courts precluded it from appearing on the ballot by finding the ballot summary to be misleading. The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed a resolution by a […]